Saturday, April 21, 2012

Kony 2012 poster Darwin

Owen65 has added a photo to the pool:

Kony 2012 poster Darwin

I have a problem with this poster.
Kony is a genocidal bastard by all reports and Bin Laden killed thousands of innocent people, but one cannot seriously argue that either is worse than Hitler who killed more than 20 million jews, slavs, gypsies, homosexuals, communists and unionists.
If the KONY 2012 campaign helps bring an end to the crimes of the LRA then I approve, but if it is used to justify extension of western military intervention in other countries then I do not.
This campaign is so Gen Y orientated. We should not belittle the importance of our forebears struggles against the crimes of Fascism in the 30s and 40s, and we should not forget the suffering of the victims of Fascism world wide at that time. Likewise the struggle against Apartheid in southern Africa, anti-communist regimes in the Americas and soviet bloc despots have also gone on through generations and these struggles are not all over yet.
The other problem with this campaign is that it ignores the other tyrants and leaders of murderous and genocidal movements in other places like Mugabe in Zimbabwe, Karimov in Uzbekistan and the leaders in Dafur and the perpetrators of Israel's brutal attacks on the Palestinian people.
We should stop Kony, but not forget the rest.

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