Saturday, April 21, 2012

Green Star of Dandelion

eracose has added a photo to the pool:

Green Star of Dandelion

DarreIl Yetman, a cancer survivor, made this comment about the dandelion, "I have always said that the dandelion is my favourite flower. Very useful, eager to be one of the first and brightest in the spring, and extremely determined and adaptable under the most difficult circumstances. We could all learn so much from the humble dandelion." From reaction to this photo on FaceBook, there are a large number of closet dandelion admirers out there. I love the plant, too. Its perfect deep yellow face and soft velvet petals bring great joy. Here is a link to its food and medicinal qualities:
Baccalieu Consulting
Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador

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