Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Antonia Quest Photography/Larry Moore has added a photo to the pool:


Being pulled up to the pier by the fishermen for emergency surgery. The hook was removed. He went down like a ton of bricks into the water. Bur apeared not to be injured as he revived and flew away.

Wonderful Wyoming

Jim Emery has added a photo to the pool:

Wonderful Wyoming

Lineup; Trastevere

***josh*** has added a photo to the pool:

Lineup; Trastevere

Rome, Italy

Sugar Loaf Mountain

Jeff Mollman has added a photo to the pool:

Sugar Loaf Mountain

This is the view of Sugar Loaf Mountain from the outlet of Class Lake in the Medicine Bow Range. Kyrsten and I went up around 6:00 pm with the intention of staying up there until after dark to do some star photography, but with the sky being completely overcast we only stayed until sunset. Another shot using Darren's graduated filters, a hard 8 and a soft 2, and a polarizer.

The Fabulous Moon

Jerri Moon Cantone has added a photo to the pool:

The Fabulous Moon

no description necessary!

Missouri Shed

keeva999 has added a photo to the pool:

Missouri Shed

Taken out the car window on our way back from Missouri in early July.
Nice on black if you have the time.
Textures by Distressed Jewell.

The Battery

Paul Green-point and click 200 has added a photo to the pool:

The Battery

St. John's, NL, Canada

I took this shot from the boat on our recent whale wathching trip...

From Wikipidia:

The Battery is a small neighbourhood within the city of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador.

The Battery sits on the entrance to the harbour located on the slopes of Signal Hill. Sometimes described as an outport within the city of St. John's. The area is noted for its steep slopes, colourful houses, and its importance as a battery for the defence of St. John's Harbour in both World Wars.

More Flowers from the Neighborhood 2 PNTX7970

ijustshotu has added a photo to the pool:

More Flowers from the Neighborhood 2 PNTX7970

sweintraub has added a photo to the pool:


Josh__Adam has added a photo to the pool:


Thin black line (of solitude)

Franflash has added a photo to the pool:

Thin black line (of solitude)

Down The Hatch

R.Courson has added a photo to the pool:

Down The Hatch

Eagle Owl having some lunch.


Martin Pilát has added a photo to the pool:



Lera Potter has added a photo to the pool:



looking for Signal?

Dennis Braganza has added a photo to the pool:

looking for Signal?

Yosemite Valley at First Light

snooked123 has added a photo to the pool:

Yosemite Valley at First Light


Sheba53 has added a photo to the pool:


Saint Petersburg, Florida USA.


Zengame has added a photo to the pool:


Monks at the Palace--- Phnom Penh, Cambodia

jackwickes has added a photo to the pool:

Monks at the Palace--- Phnom Penh, Cambodia

monks in orange want their picture taken at the Royal Palace, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

SDIM8860 Grinnell Lake, GNP, MT

AlbertaScrambler has added a photo to the pool:

SDIM8860 Grinnell Lake, GNP, MT

Caddo Lake State Park

heackersgirl has added a photo to the pool:

Caddo Lake State Park

Day 1308 - Day 213

rhome_music has added a photo to the pool:

Day 1308 - Day 213

Still tired.

The Upjohn Farm

joeldinda has added a photo to the pool:

The Upjohn Farm

cosmos - あきざくら

turntable00000 has added a photo to the pool:

cosmos - あきざくら

Cosmoses became in full bloom to my favorite flower garden. I got excited on that day and take butterflies, but the wonderful shot did not come out like Chibitomu.
This is enough for present me.
On July 24, 2012 in Igusa mori Park Suginami ward.

213/366 - My bookshelf at work

J Zachary has added a photo to the pool:

213/366 - My bookshelf at work

Today's Daily Posting - Make a photo of an interesting stack of books or magazines. Consider how you handle repeating lines in your composition. (And yes, I've used almost every one of these books for something over the years!)

SiGnoraBovary *ManGioLaTeRRa* has added a photo to the pool:

Non fermeranno il vento,
non spezzeranno le foglie.

prayer meeting

bytegirl24 has added a photo to the pool:

prayer meeting

had the wonderful fortune to have a mantis in my bedroom all day today. We have had several conversations.. and she spent some time in meditation with buddha.



Alana Steinberg has added a photo to the pool:


Here's just a little preview of my shoot that I just finished with Carolina. We went to this BEAUTIFUL field that has woods surrounding it- probably the only location I know like it in South Florida! I'm busy editing photos from events from the weekend, but tomorrow I will post a really cool expansion and I'll be posting my favorites from the shoot on my blog.

I'm working on creating an online portfolio on 22slides- it'll be up soon once I figure out a few minor glitches!

Blog | Tumblr | Instagram: alanalanabobana

trabalho hugo web

urban-myth has added a photo to the pool:

trabalho hugo web

Summer Flower

Timothij has added a photo to the pool:

Summer Flower

Pink flower on a warm Summer's day.

Bruna Amorim has added a photo to the pool:

Antiga Fazenda Isabel - Mega ensaio AFP
Modelo: Juliana Gragnani

53/365 Arguing With Myself

dslr_girl1979 has added a photo to the pool:

53/365 Arguing With Myself

If I had a twin sister, I imagine this is what it would look like whenever a disagreement would occur.

Click here to see the awards count for this photo. (?)

final touches

squared2x has added a photo to the pool:

final touches


Lιηυѕ has added a photo to the pool:



Albert Nam has added a photo to the pool:


Hummingbird in the Shadows_RGB2603

DansPhotoArt has added a photo to the pool:

Hummingbird in the Shadows_RGB2603

Ruby Throated Hummingbird in flight.

Oriental Lilly_003

Ray Love (Airport Ford Used Car Sales Person) has added a photo to the pool:

Oriental Lilly_003

It's Alright Now - Eddie Harris

von Loewen has added a photo to the pool:

It's Alright Now - Eddie Harris

Vancouver Nude Bike Ride 2012 - Sunset Beach

Where Fairytales Come to Life!

eveazure has added a photo to the pool:

Where Fairytales Come to Life!

там где сказка оживает!

Versaille Trees

AxelM45 has added a photo to the pool:

Versaille Trees

Ziggy Cat - Tired 7-28-12 07

anothertom has added a photo to the pool:

Ziggy Cat - Tired 7-28-12 07


cjc4454 has added a photo to the pool:


These kind of birds didn't use to live here when I was young, but I've seen them the last 10 years or so. Maybe they moved in as a result of the changing weather patterns?? I don't know. I think it's a grackle, not sure about it though.

Dan in Marseille has added a photo to the pool:

Olympic Flame

D.J.Flynn has added a photo to the pool:

Olympic Flame

The Olympic cauldron was put out as the flame was relocated to another part of the stadium.
The flame's cauldron, a symbol of the Olympic movement, is supposed to burn for the entirety of the Games but organisers have confirmed it was put out temporarily so the 28ft high structure could be moved to the edge of the stadium.

Jamaican Vacation

Geoff Trotter has added a photo to the pool:

Jamaican Vacation

Light at the end of the tunnel...

pkreadsalot has added a photo to the pool:

Light at the end of the tunnel...

Failure of the Fleshº

fishwrapcomix has added a photo to the pool:

Failure of the Fleshº

Rephotographed self portrait, double the normal amount of self absorption.

Mosrite Guitar, Fender Amp (Self Portrait) II

taxi_dancer has added a photo to the pool:

Mosrite Guitar, Fender Amp (Self Portrait) II

Canon FTb QL | Canon FD 50mm F1.8 | Kodak Tri-X 400 @ ISO 200


H.M.Lenßtalk has added a photo to the pool:


Grays and Torreys

Daniel G McVey has added a photo to the pool:

Grays and Torreys

from Sts John Jeep (4 x 4) Trail in Montezuma: Summit County, Colorado. www.danielmcvey.com