Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Indy Kethdy has added a photo to the pool:


sunshine11443 has added a photo to the pool:



*Amour has added a photo to the pool:


in Chiang Mai


magnusl67 has added a photo to the pool:


SM - veckan i Östersund

LEA in the first snow

mario forcherio has added a photo to the pool:

LEA in the first snow


ecols has added a photo to the pool:


tried some tutorials in the last days


Deepak kaw has added a photo to the pool:


Iron world

Suzel... has added a photo to the pool:

Iron world

A l'image du monde, un sac de noeuds vieux et corrompu, recouvert d'un autre sac de noeuds plus neuf mais...

straight and simple

redflowered has added a photo to the pool:

straight and simple

No need to complicate things. Straight. Simple. Smart. That's how it goes these days...

music: January – Careful What You Tell The Sky

kimbertranne has added a photo to the pool:

Thank you Mr. woodpecker ... - Danke Herr Specht ...

Maggi_94 has added a photo to the pool:

Thank you Mr. woodpecker ... - Danke Herr Specht ...

... for this photo I do not even had to leave her warm apartment

... für dieses Foto musste ich nicht einmal die warme Wohnung verlassen
Bei -8 Grad wird es knapp mit Insekten, deshalb bedient sich der Specht im Futterhäuschen

Alex et Lô

WacsiM has added a photo to the pool:

Alex et Lô

Quelque part à Paris, Île-de-France, France, Europe, Monde

Dans le métro, le week-end où les potesses (et Simon) sont venus à Paris. Ce fut court, intense, mais bon.

Day 126 Of 365 Days To Becoming Truly Bionic!pic

SarahStar7 has added a photo to the pool:

Day 126 Of 365 Days To Becoming Truly Bionic!pic

Black and White

I made the pic of me in black and white today because that represents my day.. Feel like hell but got to get stuff accomplished..two very definite things!

I was so beyond wiped out last night, but could not sleep. I spent the whole night tossing and turning in bed without sleep..it was beyond frustrating!
Clocked in about maybe two hours this morning and then honestly just cried.

I spent the day in bed editing photos and then tonight M came over and we edited a lot more from the party we shot this past weekend at the vintage/consignment store..so all the pics around us..well there the ones we edited;)

Ps. Hats are on us because we were doing this in our pj's and we so did not want to be in a pic today.
Pps. Today's pic is also done by D..I literally handed him my camera with my regular lens on it put it on automatic and said stand in that corner and take a pic of us editing..yup it's been that kinda day.

Hopefully tomorrow I will better and produce a decent picture..fingers crossed

Much Love,

Waiting Roller...

kennysarmy has added a photo to the pool:

Waiting Roller...



pattcatz has added a photo to the pool:


31 . 366

archibald maximilion has added a photo to the pool:

31 . 366

Huzzah - home time! Go for a walk with Mum, cuddle with Archie, make sun-dried tomato pasta for dinner and wait for Rob to come back from his board meeting.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012.

Through a dirty Window

♫CoolMcFlash♫ has added a photo to the pool:

Through a dirty Window


ALFONSO1979  has added a photo to the pool:


Slowing down my Sunday.

come_wat_may has added a photo to the pool:

Slowing down my Sunday.

When Friday 4pm FINALLY comes around, an overwhelming sense of freedom, weightlessness, and joy becomes me. "I am free!", I self proclaim!

Then begins Saturday, and the joy of freedom, and the luxury of a worry-free existence continues. The jovial moments of having an open page, a clear canvas, to declare and express what shall be of the disposable minutes and hours that are truly your own.....Ahhhh, the unbound future awaits.

Rolling into Sunday, sleep in? Yes I can! Early wonderful breakfast? The options await! The open road, is the one of reward.

Sunday afternoon... the coming of the end, the falling curtain on freedom. This is were anxiety begins and the end of utopia is realized. The all dreaded Monday looms over as the threat to all that is free will soon prevail. We are doomed! At this moment is where I use my powers to slow the remaining minutes of Sunday, in a feeble attempt to slow the inevitable downfall of my independence. The end is near... Monday shall soon be, but I shall rejoice and savor the last moments of my reckless abandons and partake in freedoms that shall soon be forgotten.

Overly dramatic? Nah! lol!

Hope you all had a wonderful "end of the world", Monday! ; )

Lanterns of Life

Marquisde has added a photo to the pool:

Lanterns of Life

The Lanterns of Yasaka-jinja, next to (or maybe in) Maruyama-koen, Kyoto, Japan.

Best when you press L for LARGE

Piazza San Marco Night

Joseph Nowak has added a photo to the pool:

Piazza San Marco Night

Nightfall on Piazza San Marco. By the way, I've removed the trash can on the left but have not converted the image to JPEG yet to replace this one.


mm*novy #6 has added a photo to the pool:


Klasse S (NP mode)
Kodak T-MAX P3200
Tmax developer 1:4, 24C, 9min 45sec
Ilfostop 40sec
Ilford Rapid Fixer 7mins
Kodak Photo-flo


TJJD has added a photo to the pool:



The Rise

GillyFace has added a photo to the pool:

The Rise

I love compositing.

BAH! I need to fix some stuff in this. Tomorrah, tomorrah, I'll fix ya tomorrah, it's only a day away...
Actually it's 3am.. >_<

You may recognise the main image from Day 287

The Facebook

West Coast

zedith has added a photo to the pool:

West Coast

Copyright © 2012 Zedith Photography. All rights reserved

21mm | f/11 | 1s | ISO 200 | APS


Feel free to express all your opinions & criticisms; they will be much appreciated

Please, don’t lose your time leaving only groups badges on my photos; I simply cannot accept that as a comment, so they will be deleted, thanks

Longboarding Kinetics

SeekayofRome has added a photo to the pool:

Longboarding Kinetics

My rendition of one of my favorite photos that's not a landscape. It's basically the same except it has an overcast sky in the background and the definition is cranked up to extremes.

So I cleaned my bearings yesterday and now my room smells like Kerosene. But I was having a grand time with smooth wheels, so I was longboarding and listened to Rookie of the Year (hence the wire) between Great Texts and Physics Tutorial, which, by the way, is the biggest joke of a class I've ever been in. We're stuck in that room for 50 minutes to do work that's identical to the homework that won't get graded, then they let us out and expect us to go do the exact same thing that we just did for next week. Why can't we just do the homework during the tutorial?

Also I got new shoes.
I'm one of those kids with the pumped up kicks that better run, better run, faster than Foster's bullet.

Monday: 30. January 2012

a photo a day has added a photo to the pool:

Monday: 30. January 2012

* Canon G9 *

Bikini fashion Show IMG_9044

rrogersphotos has added a photo to the pool:

Bikini fashion Show IMG_9044

© All rights reserved. A network event, see " thenetworkpromotions.com " for Gainesville night life. A Bikini fashion Show at the pool party in Gainesville FL. Now this was a fun job.

here is the house

duineser has added a photo to the pool:

here is the house


anochecer desde el muelle y sobre el Rio Odiel

Clodoaldo JM has added a photo to the pool:

anochecer desde el muelle y sobre el Rio Odiel


elBidule has added a photo to the pool:


got2feeldablues has added a photo to the pool:

Monterey Bay at sunet. The lights of Monterey twinkling in the background.

Sunset beach

Ticklishula has added a photo to the pool:

Sunset beach


Edgard.V has added a photo to the pool:



Been Around has added a photo to the pool:


Always Refreshing

Nightmare staff!

ManiacGr - Really... Really busy :( has added a photo to the pool:

Nightmare staff!

Moments after I shot the previous picture... they started "dancing" for me and they flew just right beside me! I can understand now why many people have nightmares about this!!!

Reflection 087

shoshonelake has added a photo to the pool:

Reflection 087


MAXone81 has added a photo to the pool:


Generaţii cu viitor incert

dani81_const has added a photo to the pool:

Generaţii cu viitor incert


ShotsOfMarion has added a photo to the pool:


Garden Shot Almere

Arriving near you

kaliak has added a photo to the pool:

Arriving near you

Better in lightbox..


Amo Iphoneography has added a photo to the pool:


Copyright © 2012 Amo Passicos
All Rights Reserved. Do not reproduce this image without expressed permission from the photographer

sandragraves has added a photo to the pool:

Château de Charlottenburg

Poussin09 has added a photo to the pool:

Château de Charlottenburg

Avis aux utilisateurs CANON : j'hésite entre deux objectifs... le 24-70 f2.8 ou le 24-105 f4 ?
Quels avantages et inconvénients entre la plus grande ouverture de l'un et le stabilisateur de l'autre ? Sachant que je possède déjà le 70-200 moi choix se porterais à priori plus sur le 24 70 f2.8 mais le stabilisateur, la plus grande plage de focale du 24-105 f4 et le prix me font hésiter...

Notice to Users CANON: I hesitate between two lenses ... the 24-70 f2.8 or 24-105 f4?
What advantages and disadvantages between the more open one and the stabilizer of the other? Knowing that I already have the 70-200 my choice would be more about the 24 70 f2.8 but the stabilizer, the largest zoom range of 24-105 f4 and the price made ​​me hesitate ...

Getty images

#31/366 Placing The Blame

bobsfever has added a photo to the pool:

#31/366 Placing The Blame

Once the other Stormtroopers left in search of some help and the mysterious Stormtrooper, BA-253 found himself alone with the Clones. The Clones turn to BA-253 and advice him that they are going to blame him for what happened and that they hope he gets what’s coming to him. They actually decide that they will in fact make sure that Darth Vader finds out about this ASAP!!

ornatas done right!

_papilio has added a photo to the pool:

ornatas done right!

Poecilotheria ornata 1-inch sling.

The stars were aligned for tonight's photo shoot. A second ornata sling had just molted, and though still extremely quick this one had better manners than its sibling a few days ago. So this time during the moments when it came to rest I was relaxed enough to make the most of the time I was given, and I think it really paid off in some of the cleanest macros I've yet obtained. And the new diffuser really showed its stuff, lovely lighting.

The images in this series really must be seen in Original view, though the results are most obvious at twice that size, full res.

It pays to be dissatisfied with first attempts! (More of tonight's images to come as I process them.)

8 stacked images taken at f/11.

Open the Original in a new tab.

Thar, India

Ray Frames has added a photo to the pool:

Thar, India

La Renommée des arts

cango_uk has added a photo to the pool:

La Renommée des arts

I had a couple of days shooting in Paris, if you like this, please check out the other shots in my 'Paris' set.

One of the four pillars on Pont Alexandre III.

For more information about this picture, please see www.flickr.com/photos/cango_uk/6750073459/in/photostream

timwzleung257 has added a photo to the pool:




LibDescent has added a photo to the pool:


Second Life